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Update . . . part 2

Greetings, fellow tea lovers!

I just wanted to drop in & offer an update on my aforementioned health issues. Things are getting better. It’s been a long, L-O-N-G process, but there has been some consistent improvement since my last update. I admit that in the beginning, I didn’t bother going to a doctor, because I simply thought, “oh, I’ll just bandage this up & it will get better soon.” But when that didn’t happen, I finally broke down & went to the emergency room (since I also broke out into a rash) & several more emergency room & doctor office visits, I was finally referred to a wound care specialist & things are improving.

Without getting into too many specifics, mostly because I doubt anyone wants to hear my tale, I will just say that I’m slowly healing, the pain is there but it’s being managed & I definitely see a light at the end of the tunnel.

What does that mean in the world of 52Teas & most specifically, our TEAS?

Well, it means that I’m still working to get caught up, but I’m much closer than I was a month & a half ago when I posted the explanation for the delay! I’ve been working diligently as I can & progress is being made towards being fully caught up. The next 5 teas are almost finished curing & in fact, I’ve taste tested 2 of the 5 already – they’re fantastic & I’m very excited to share them with you soon! I think these teas will be shipping out by January 31, if not a day or two sooner. I’ve already begun blending the second batch of 5 teas & those should ship out by mid-February. That will have me almost caught up & working on the current month (at that point, February).

Anyway, I will have a second round of “catching up” rather than announcing the tea of week, it will be a catching up countdown – this does wonders for my mental state of being & making me feel less terrible about how behind I am. I hate being so behind, but I definitely feel better about it when it’s about tweaking teas rather than being about my personal issues like it has been over the past few months.

So, that concludes this update, I’m sorry for the delays & I appreciate your patience & continued support of me! I truly could not do what i do without YOU! You are the very best part of 52Teas! Thank you!

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