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An Explanation

I hope I’m doing this in the right spot, it’s been over a year since I last posted to the blog (LOL) & to be totally honest, I don’t remember how to create a blog post on this thing any more! So, here’s hoping!

Anyway, as promised in the title of this blog post (well, hopefully, it will be a blog post), an explanation. First, what do I need to explain? I’m behind. Very behind. I realize this is probably nothing new to anyone, because I’ve been behind for quite some time! But, I’ve fallen even further behind & as I type this, I’m currently 3 months behind on getting subscriptions out. I’m just now processing my first tea of the week for the month of OCTOBER. A quick glance at the calendar will tell you that it’s now mid-second week of DECEMBER so – yeah . . . behind! Very behind!

So, what does that mean, exactly?

Well, for those of you who subscribe to the 52Teas tea service, you’re probably well aware that I’m a bit behind on getting subscriptions out. If you are a subscriber, I apologize sincerely for my delay – I’m about to explain why in a bit. If you’re not a subscriber, well, why not? It’s a great opportunity to get freshly blended, unique blends delivered to your door on the monthly – well, up until recently, anyway. So, even though I am a bit behind, please subscribe!  Because . . . even though I am behind, I do absolutely, definitely, truly appreciate your support as a subscriber & I can use all the support I can get . . . & I promise to get caught up as quickly as I possibly can without sacrificing the quality of tea that I’m sending out to you!

Anyway, back to why I’ve been behind. Well, for those of you who are familiar with 52Teas, you are probably aware that this is a 1-person operation. Just me. That’s it. I take care of everything – from the tea concepts, developing the tea recipes based on those concepts, blending the teas based on those recipes, taste testing & tweaking the teas based on the taste testing, packaging the teas once they past the taste tests & fulfilling orders (& subscriptions) & shipping them out to YOU! I’m the one who does all of that, so when something happens to me, things get delayed.

And – well, that’s what happened. Something happened to me. What? I developed a really bad case of cellulitis. Don’t worry, it’s not contagious or anything! But it is EXTREMELY painful & it has caused me to make several trips to the emergency room as well as the doctor’s office. Because the pain is in my legs, it makes it difficult for me to stand for long periods of time, so, that has caused me to fall behind on everything & because it’s that magical time of year (aka holiday season) – it’s not exactly been the best time for me to be slowing down.

Now that I’ve managed to get all of the 12 Teas of Christmas boxes out & most people have received them – I have been working very hard on getting the weekly teas caught up. But I’m very behind (as I mentioned above) & I’m currently working on October teas. I am planning on getting these teas out to you (my health willing) on December 16 (this upcoming Monday). Once those are well on their way to you, I’ll be working on November & December – I’ll be most likely shipping out November’s & December’s Teas out together in the same package & by the time those teas are on their way, I will be working on January’s teas & it will be the beginning of January at that point, so hopefully, I’ll be at least a little bit toward the concept of “caught up”.

So, this countdown is to include October’s & November’s teas – rather than calling them the “tea of the week for the week of October __ or whatever, I feel like it will be better on my mental state to just calling it a countdown to catching up! Less stress. So, I hope it makes sense to you.

Thank you for all your support! I truly do appreciate it – especially during times like this! ~Anne

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Wow! 2 Months Have Passed!

I can’t believe that 2 whole months have passed since this website has been up & running. It was a lot of hard work to get it going (I’m still so grateful to my helper! Thank you!) & I’m still learning here and trying to navigate my way around this place. In fact, I just realized that my subscription pages WEREN’T WORKING! Yikes. I think I got them working properly now (I hope! Please feel free to do me a solid & subscribe! You know, just to make sure it works!)

Anyway, yeah. That’s kind of embarrassing. Sorry about that.

So, as far as teas go, I’m almost done with the 12 Teas of Christmas box! I’m so excited about this year’s collection of teas. I was especially surprised by a few of the winners from this year’s poll. For example, in years past, I’ve been able to pretty easily predict some of the teas that would earn their way into the box, this year, only one tea I was predicting actually made it into the box! Every other tea was a surprise. Another surprise was that the one tea with the largest number of votes was a green tea. Usually, it’s a tisane (for those of you who are frequent participants with my 12 Teas of Christmas box probably can guess which tisane this is). So, yeah – I was pretty blown away by this winner & I was quite humbled to know that this particular creation is so beloved!

I expect that I’ll be shipping these boxes out within a week! For those of you who are international tea lovers, I will be contacting you just as soon as I know how much the packages are going to weigh so that I can send you a shipping invoice.

We do have just a few of these boxes available. After they’re gone, they’re gone, I won’t be able to make more this year. So, if you’ve been waiting to buy your box, there’s no time like the present – because if you wait much longer, there probably won’t be any left! Don’t have a sad this holiday season! Don’t miss out on this fun countdown!

So, that’s about all that I’m working on at the moment – is getting the holiday boxes OUT so that I can focus on other stuff!

BUT – I did just put up a new page – check out our Holiday Gift Ideas page! I’ll be adding a couple of other things to this page in the next couple of days or so, I need to take some pictures first though!

Until then – thank you EVERYONE – for your support! I appreciate you!

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A Whole New Website

Hey! Check it out! I have a blog again! I’ve missed having a blog. While I was over BigCommerce, I had a blog for a while but then my template when a bit wonky & my blog wasn’t working anymore – which is a big part of why I left BigCommerce. Not just the blog, but that the template I had set up was no longer functioning the way it should & the powers-that-be at BigCommerce didn’t seem really eager to fix the problems I was experiencing. So I left.

And went over to SquareSpace. SquareSpace was . . . different. I lost the ability to have a rewards program. I couldn’t have gift certificates. Coupons were a new thing – I’m not sure when they were added but they weren’t available when I first got started on SquareSpace. There were a lot of benefits to SquareSpace, but I still didn’t have a blog.

Now I’m here on WooCommerce. After the amount of work that went in to setting up this site, I’m hoping to keep it – at least for a while. It seems to have a lot more versatility – I think I’ll be able to set up the rewards program again, I’ll have coupon codes occasionally & I’ll even be able to have gift certificates (I think!) So far, I’m liking it. It’s different, but I like it a lot!

A HUGE thank you to my dear friend who helped me with this (truth be told, she did a huge chunk of the work – I’m so grateful to her!) Seriously, I don’t think I would have accomplished this without her – certainly not in the amount of time that it was completed – it would have easily taken me double or triple the time that it took to get this done without her assistance. So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart – you know who you are – I appreciate you so much! You’re awesome!

Anyway, that’s all for now. Let me know what you think of the website, please! Drop me a line!