Countdown to Catching Up – Tea 10 (Counting Down from 10 to 1!)
What? Countdown to Catching Up? What does that mean? Well, the short story is that I’m behind on getting my teas of the week out so I’m counting down the next 10 teas of the week so that I can get caught up without having to admit just how behind I am because it’s . . . well, it’s embarrassing, quite frankly. If you want the long story & the full explanation, please see my blog post on it here.
So, in short, I am doing a “countdown to catching up” rather than mentioning that this is actually the tea of the week for October 7, because mentioning that makes me feel bad about being so behind, so instead this is Tea 10 in my Countdown to Catching Up!
What a wonderful way to kick off a countdown! This naturally caffeine-free tisane is so tasty! Notes of spice fill the sip – not spicY – but gently, warmly spiced. The way you want an oatmeal cookie to taste – freshly baked with warm, welcoming notes of cinnamon & ginger & just a kiss of nutmeg. Then you get that sweet-tart note of cranberry & the comforting flavor of oatmeal. This is the kind of cookie you want to enjoy with a hot cup of tea & this tea gives you all of that in one cuppa that’s not only tasty – but it’s also organic, vegan, gluten-free & allergen-friendly!
organic ingredients: honeybush, oatmeal, cranberries, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg & natural flavors
to brew: use 3 ½ g of tea to 12 oz of very hot water (freshly filtered water heated to 190°F) & steep for 10 minutes. Strain & enjoy!
serving suggestions: I like this one best served hot with just a drizzle of honey. The honey heightens the notes of spice while delivering a touch of sweetness that you expect in a “cookie”. It’s not required, obviously – but it really does make the cuppa POP!
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